The Consulate announced today that uUpon reception of his eloquently penned "Petition to the Delveran Nation," on June 8th, 2021, Oscar I, Occidian Emperor, became a Delveran citizen by unanimous acclamation.
"The people of Delvera are honored to receive among their number such a great and good friend," said Consul Hannah Callahan. Emperor Oscar responded to the announcement, "It's a privilege for me to be among my compatriots and feel myself a true Occidian at last! This certainly is one step towards a more closer relation we can develop between Karno-Ruthenians, Occidians and Delverans: already friends and in a near future, brothers!"
The confederal government is now accepting candidate applications for the 2021 Consular Election. Candidate applications will be accepted from now until June 30th, 2021.
The next Chamber meeting will be held on Saturday, March 6 at 8:00 PM. The only agenda item is a restored treaty of friendship with the Austenasian Empire. The original treaty was ratified in September 2016 and rescinded in December 2017.
Consul Hannah Callahan and former Consul Dylan Callahan were honored to receive a warm letter of friendship from His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty Oscar I, along with souvenirs from the Empire of Karnia-Ruthenia. The parcel was a joy to receive, and is highly prized by both former and current consuls.
The next meeting of the Chamber of Deputies will take place on Saturday, January 16 at 8:00 PM CST. The only item on the agenda will be the release of the 2020 legislative gazette.
A joint Christmas message from Emperor-King Oscar of Karnia-Ruthenia and Consul Callahan.12/24/2020 The Consulate released the report of the September 2020 Census today, announcing that the total citizenry count for Ozarkana is 29. For the Occidian Empire the total is 6. Non-territorial citizens account for 3, giving a total of 38 active citizens in the Grand Republic of Delvera.
The North American Confederation, a province of Delvera, has notified the Consulate that they have revised their Constitution and shall hereafter be known as Occidia, styled, "the Empire of Occidia."
The next Chamber meeting will be held on Saturday, October 17 at 8:00 PM CST.
Items on the agenda include the Surveillance and Espionage Amendment, the Delveran Legislative Code, and the Delveran Fiscal Code. The Consulate announced today that the quarterly Delveran Census is currently being conducted. Delveran households who have not already responded to the census are encouraged to check their emails and confirm the accuracy of their information with a simple "yes" or "no" response.
Delveran State MediaThis page is for official press releases and news items from the Grand Republic. Archives
March 2023