"Christmas is a time for reconciliation. A time not only for families and friends to come together but also for differences to be forgotten and forgiven. Reconciliation is the product of reason, tolerance and love, and I think that Christmas is a good time to reflect on it.
"It is easy enough to see where reconciliation is needed and where it would heal and purify, for us personally and individually and for state affair, internally in our challenges and also abroad with our peers of the community. Of course, it is not something that is easy to achieve. But things that are worthwhile seldom are, so it is encouraging to know that there are many people trying and I personally think that I should try more. "The thing that I would most value for us, in our lives apart of micronationalism and within it, for the coming year is reconciliation to be found wherever it is needed. We should remember in this sense that mighty things from small beginnings grow as indeed they grew from the small child of Bethlehem. "I wish you all a very happy Christmas and may the New Year bring reconciliation between all people."
The application made by Delvera to join Karnia-Ruthenia was officially accepted today by the Imperial Government.
The application reads as follows: The will and behest of the People of the Grand Republic of Delvera, henceforth officially styled the State of Delvera, hereby make formal application for constituency within the Empire of Karnia-Ruthenia in a manner consistent with Karno-Ruthenian law, with the following stipulations: In making this application, the Delveran Constitution, Second Codification, 16 June MMXV, and all laws, treaties, doctrines, Consular Decrees, and any other political division, subdivision, or instrument of the confederal government are recognized to be suspended in operation and effect. The Delveran people, as defined by the latest census including their legal descendants, and any which shall hereafter be admitted, may again ratify the above suspended government by popular vote to be held in person in the City of Clarksburg. In making this application, the debts and credits and financial property of the former confederal government, including accounts payable, accounts receivable, micronational bank accounts, macronational bank accounts, Curo notes, and copper bullion, and all non-financial property of whatever sort having been remitted to the State of Delvera are thereby maintained in a manner consistent with Karno-Ruthenian law, and the foregoing are subject thereto for the purposes of assessment, record, title, transfer, subpoena, and other legal instruments under the law. In making this application, the State of Delvera maintains the Delveran Heritage Festival via committee as determined by popular and democratic means, and all popular and democratic questions shall be therewith facilitated autonomously in a manner befitting a free people, in a manner consistent with Karno-Ruthenian law. In making this application, the Delveran Armed Services, military personnel, military records, materiel, etc., are reverted to the Karno-Ruthenian government for integration and organization as regional armed forces. The State of Delvera retains its Sphere of Influence as its most immediately previous demarcation and definition. The enumeration of stipulations and provisions within this application shall not be construed to prevent, deny, or disparage further provisions for the perpetual constituency of the State of Delvera within Karnia-Ruthenia, nor shall it be construed to prevent, deny, or disparage the rights of Delveran citizens held legally under the previous Constitution. The Karno-Ruthenian government recognizes that the State of Delvera is free to choose their own system of government to be an integral to the Empire of Karnia-Ruthenia. The government of the State of Delvera recognizes His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty, the Emperor-King, as the Head of State of the Karno-Ruthenian Empire. His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty, the Emperor-King of Karnia-Ruthenia, as fons honorum of the Empire of Karnia-Ruthenia, will bestow upon the Delveran citizens the titles, style of treatment and honors that are appropriate to their respective ranks , as well as allow the establishment of national honors of a regional character, except for the distribution of titles of nobility. The Government of Karnia-Ruthenia, to the extent that circumstances permit, will employ in the public service of Karnia-Ruthenia Delverans who loyally and in good faith facilitate integration and who are suitably qualified for such service. The Imperial and Royal Academy of Heraldry of Karnia-Ruthenia shall provide for the adaptation of the national symbols of the State of Delvera to the heraldic tradition practiced in Karnia-Ruthenia, respecting the history of the Delverans in this adaptation and integration. In case of reversion to the status quo ante in the sense of the State of Delvera separating from the Karno-Ruthenian Empire, the procedure for this will be that provided for in the Imperial Constitution of Karnia-Ruthenia. The Grand Republic of Delvera was re-styled "the State of Delvera" this evening in a session of the Chamber of Deputies. With President Pemberton presiding, deputies from both provinces in attendance, and Consul Callahan urging to apply to Karnia-Ruthenia as a constituent state, citing constraints of energy from Delvera's leadership and the closeness with which K-R has worked with their counterparts.
"The matter I lay before you this evening is of great significance and much nuance," said Consul Dylan Callahan. "I have an act which will suspend the government of the Grand Republic. This I do not lightly, and I request no consideration of esteem or lack thereof for my person, only in the merits of the act. We see Delvera in a peculiar and, for our people, unusual situation. Our most active and most dedicated citizens and leaders find themselves individually preoccupied beyond the ability to perform necessary governmental roles and responsibilities." Deputy for Occidia, Joseph Marx, hesitated at the thought of dividing the provinces in the move, allowing Occidia to join K-R separately from the rest of Delvera. "Given the nature and scope of this decision, I believe that Occidians should make that call for themselves. However, I have given my concerns to this body for posterity and will not oppose the right for them to make that call for themselves," Marx said. He ultimately voted in favor of the proposal before the Chamber. The motion to suspend the Constitution and apply to K-R passed unanimously. |
Delveran State MediaThis page is for official press releases and news items from the Grand Republic. Archives
March 2023